Nica-Honduras-El Salvador-Honduras
So my friend Ryan and I (the dude i met in La Fortuna) left Leon and headed to El Salvador. We left the hostal at 3:55 am and arrived in San Salvador at around 3:30 pm. The ride was fairly uneventful and quite long. Every time we got off a bus, we were off it no longer than 1 minute before being shoved onto another one. In honduras I had my shirt off on a bus and we came upon a police road block. The Police ordered us all fof the bus and one berated me in soanish for not having a shirt on and I was sure he was going to make up some bullshit and make me pay him some ridiculous bribe. So I hid my money. He was going to search mine and Ryans bag
s but got distracted and forgot and luckily I got my passport back from him and he let us go after bitching at the bus driver who told me to make sure I kept my shirt on after that :) Shortly thereafter, we came upon another police road block and I said "Yo Tengo mi camisa" (I have my shirt) and everyone on the bus had a good laugh and joked with me. Luckily we had no more problems on the way to San Salvador aside from some little rickshaw drivers (bicycle taxis) trying to rip us off
We spent 2 full days in malls watching the world cup games. the malls rivaled those of the states, both in prices and size. The prices
may even have bee nmore expensive for certain items, if not most. Ryan and I split ways and i headed to the beach and he to a quaint little town called Suchitoto, (which we could never remember so I called it Quazimoto, and it was dubbed such thereafter). I only went down to the beach to sell my board, and after checking into a hostel, i sold my board to a guy there, after the soccer game of course, for the price I paid for it ($70). I then left, checked out fo the Hostel less than an hour after arriving and headed back to San Salvador, nervously wading through the traffic of buses, and made it to Quazimoto at about 7:30 pm. I ended up checking into the same hotel as ryan, though he wasnt there, and i found him at a restaraunt at the town square. We didnt get to hang out together very long, because the next morning we split directions again and i went to Honduras and he to Guatemala. The whole trip, those last few days, we had been jokingly trying to persuade each other to come along the same route we needed to go so we coul keep traveling together but alas, we split ways.

And my trip to Honduras at the Copan ruins took me nearly 12 hours. I
went to the ruins of Copan today and they were amazing. Im glad that these were the first ruins of many to come, though I may get a bit disappointed by others. Alot of the stuff you couldnt really tell what it was, but there was a surprising amount of carvings and statues that were very well preserved and you could tell that they were turtles, kings or jaguars. There were lots of pyramids and tunnels (newly formed by archiologists) and statues everywhere. At the enterance to the ruins was a tree that was full of huge beautiful macaws that were flying and squaking about every which way and nearly shatting on everyone. I will update with pictures and a video soon.

I leave tomorrow for a town called Gracias, where i will go to some supposedly great hot springs and then to a lake which is also supposed to be very nice and there is a guy from oregon there who has a microbrewery at his hostel which I am very excited about. I am excited because all the beer here in Central america is "piss beer", pardon the expression, that doesnt taste too far off from its nickname. So I am looking forward to a change, and hopefully, a good, dark beer. After that I will head to Isla Utilla in the Bay Islands and get my Scuba Diving certification before heading to Belize to dive in the world renowned "Blue Hole" and do some snorkeling as well before heading to Guatemala.
Will update with pictures as soon as I can, maybe tonight if noone is here sucking up the bandwidth.

We spent 2 full days in malls watching the world cup games. the malls rivaled those of the states, both in prices and size. The prices

And my trip to Honduras at the Copan ruins took me nearly 12 hours. I

I leave tomorrow for a town called Gracias, where i will go to some supposedly great hot springs and then to a lake which is also supposed to be very nice and there is a guy from oregon there who has a microbrewery at his hostel which I am very excited about. I am excited because all the beer here in Central america is "piss beer", pardon the expression, that doesnt taste too far off from its nickname. So I am looking forward to a change, and hopefully, a good, dark beer. After that I will head to Isla Utilla in the Bay Islands and get my Scuba Diving certification before heading to Belize to dive in the world renowned "Blue Hole" and do some snorkeling as well before heading to Guatemala.
Will update with pictures as soon as I can, maybe tonight if noone is here sucking up the bandwidth.
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