Well I am staying here on Isla Utila longer than expected. I started my Open Water Scuba Diver training last week and finished it a

couple days ago and am now taking my advanced training, which I will finish up today and start some specialty training soon to get my master scuba diver certification, which requires that I have rescue diver training as well as 5 specialties. Obviously, I am greatly enjoying my time here and scuba diving is absolutely amazing. I feel incredibly comfortable in the water and all the skills come naturally to me, at least so far anyways. The people here are great, and though the island itself is expensive, this is one for the cheapest places in the world to for certification and diving and I am having a lot of fun with the people here. Its interesting, because everywhere you go, you mostly see tourists, mostly white people, and they are all here to dive. Hundreds of people and all you here them talking about is there diving experiences. It is really great. Yesterday in the advanced course, we went down to a wreck of a haliburton ship and swam

around it in 100 feet of water and then if a section called peak performance buoyancy where we played underwater Frisbee and tried to take each others masks and fins off and turn off each others air. We also took our fins off and did matrix moves in the water where we kicked off each other and flew backwards doing backflips. We also did a little course where we had to swim through squares and hoops and knock little weights over that were resting on the sea floor with just our regulators (the piece in your mouth that provides you with air) without touching the ground. One of the first dives I did I got really sick in the water and wound up throwing up when we were about top descent our second dive. Immediately, I was surrounded by tons of fish who, within seconds, ate all of my soften. Which though gross, was pretty cool and I felt great afterwards and had a fantastic dive where we saw a free swimming sea hours and a giant more eel and some more amazing fish I ha

ve no idea what they were called.
I have been studying hard for class and diving a lot and I have to go get some food before class so I got go, I uploaded this one pick of me with my class and instructors, but it will take too much time to do more so I will have to do it in a different city. Hasta Luego....
Until later
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