
I haven't posted in a long time, but hey absence makes the reader grow fonder....Right? So I left Orcas and spent a week with my bro Nathan and my Dad and did a lil rock climbing in the Gym (more like plastic climbing but hey it does the trick). Then I got a ride from Seattle straight down to San Francisco where I stayed at my friends' Sid and Quinn's apartment for two weeks and had a great time. Sid and I started ice skating alot and rocked it. I ate it alot and still have some gnarly ice scabs but it was well worth it. It was really nice getting to hang out with Hailey, Sid and Quinn. The four of us had a fantastic, gut-swelling thanksgiving together as well.

I finally got tired of my Dreads and they cut them off and Hailey shaved my head with a razor (she did a great job and was very gentle, though I cut myself once pretty bad before she took the razor away from me :)
I left San Fran on Sunday, Dec 3rd and made it down to my relatives on my Dads side that I stayed with last year and went rock climbing (again at a gym) and got good and sore and wound up with plenty of blisters (which were well worth it). I also played a lot of video games, which I don't get to do very often so I played hard. It was really nice to see them again, even though it was only for a short time.
My cousin Ryan gave me a lift to the airport on Wed and I flew out at 6pm and had a 13 hour flight to Moscow, Russia with a 2 hour layover before a 10 hour flight to Bombay (MumBai) and another 8 hour layover where they graciously put me on an earlier flight and took my last flight for one hour to Goa. Altogether it was about 35 hours of airports.
My initial impression of India (from the airport) was one of slight disbelief that I was even there. All outside the airport it looked like a jungle with the other-worldly trees and palms everywhere and the lack of white people. In MumBai I had to get a shuttle from one side of the

But even with these annoyances and disheartening aspects, the inspirational beauty and color in this country are astounding. The food is nothing short of incredible and makes Indian food from home seem fraudulent. I can get a massive meal here of epic quality for less than a dollar. Of course I have to be very careful about what I eat and it all needs to be cooked very well since the water here is all heavily contaminated. The roads are insane. They are all very small, probably a foot wider on the average than our one lane roads at home, but they are meant for a two way road. The roads are seemingly one way and you drive on the left side of the road, but basically you drive where you fit and play a perpetual game of chicken with any oncoming cars. Both ways, the road is considered one-way until an oncoming car appears. The most popular way to die here is in vehicular accidents, which is why I will be taking the train when ever

I am currently in Hampi; a little town surrounded by beautiful, sprawling hindu temples that are 700 years old. You can spend days here seeing them all and what you see is supposedly only 10% of the ruins that still lie uncovered. This place in the middle of a boulder-strewn are that is a boulderer's (rock climbing without ropes) paradise. I went bouldering with some friends the other day here and my feet are raw from walking and climbing barefoot all day but it was totally worth it. The Local Legend of how these oddly misplaced-looking boulders got here is as follows: Hanuman (the monkey god) was on his way to build a Bridge from India to Sri Lanka and he and all his monkey minions

Well tomorrow I am making my way to Pondicherry to spend Christmas and new years with Madeleine and then continue my way south.
Hey Zack, what a story! Im glad your having a good time. India sounds like a trip. Hey since you didnt bring me a bot fly from south America maybe you can bring back a monkey huh :) Merry Christmas from all of us here in Oregon! Shoot me an email when you get a chance. Jaelen says "hi Zack", be safe bro.
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