Andaman Islands

We are now in the Andamans and are hanging out with a bunch of people from the boat and camping on beaches in our hammocks. We explore during the day and swim in the clear turquoise tropical waters and at night we sit around the fire and sing and dance while I play guitar and we swim under the moonlight and howl at the moon. Its been great here so far. Tomorrow, Madeleine and i and a bunch of people are possibly going to another island.

I left the island to come back and spend time with Madeleine after she cut her foot and it got really infected, swelling her leg so that she was in too much pain to walk hardly at all and had to go to the hospital. She bought a plane ticket for the 11th because she felt like she needed to get going and get to the north of india even though she hasn't been to many

We took a day trip to a nearby island called "ross island" which was at one time a British administration island, but after an earthquake it was abandoned and is now being devoured by the jungle trees here. It was incredible to see how these trees had shredded these buildings. We'd

There has been one bad thing thus far. Some of you may have noticed that my site has been suspended multiple times over the last coupe of weeks due to some disputes with my website service provider about my storing file (mainly pictures) on my site of which i have 10 gigs designated for "storage" use. Anyways, they wound up deleting ALL of my stored pictures without notifying me. So I have lost most of my pictures from India as well as allot of other things. It sucks and i don't think that there is any way of retrieving them. So In the next few months there may be more disruptions in the websites up-time since I will most likely be changing service providers.
I have now decided to leave the Islands earlier than expected and I will be leaving on the 10th. Madeleine is flying out on the 11th and continuing her trip up north while i am heading south and then north.
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